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Where Does Your Treasure Lie? For One Little Girl It’s In a Hotel Cabinet.

By Guest Blogger Marilyn Marks.

Last week I accompanied the mother of a family of five to a Loaves & Fishes pantry. The mother was quiet and thankful that the food was there. Her family lives in a hotel room with a microwave and stove top but no oven. Still she smiled when she saw cans of soup, ravioli, fruit and vegetables that will feed her children this week.

I drove her back to the hotel and went on my way.

The next afternoon, while out running errands, I decided to stop by the hotel. One of the children, a 7-year-old girl who is hearing impaired, kept giggling and holding up four fingers.

“Four years old?” I guessed.

“Someone gave you forty cents?”

“Four brothers?”

“No!” She shook her head and laughed out loud. I finally figured out what she was trying to tell me.

Four Fingers

Four cardboard boxes of food from Loaves & Fishes!

She jumped to the refrigerator and opened the door, rubbing her tummy and silently saying, “More food!”

Then she leapt on the counter, opening every cabinet door, displaying cupboards full of food. She continued to rub her stomach and giggle until we both fell together laughing in pure joy.

It looked like ordinary food to me but it was untold treasure for one little girl – ample food in the pantry, hot balanced meals for her and her brothers and a week’s peace of mind for her mother.